Frequently asked questions

What kind of organisation is Reforest Nation?

We are proudly a social enterprise, not a charity, a social enterprises is a business that exists at the intersection of business efficiency and social good. Our model allows us to address pressing environmental challenges while fostering community involvement. By choosing this path, we strive to be a catalyst for change, demonstrating that profitability and environmental sustainability can go hand in hand, inspiring other Irish businesses to follow in our footsteps.

What sets Reforest Nation apart from other tree-planting organisations found in Ireland?

For individuals looking to make a real difference, Reforest Nation isn't just another tree-planting organisation; it's a pathway to active environmental stewardship. Here’s what makes our initiative resonate with individual contributors:

Dedication to Native Species: Our focus on planting a variety of native species is intentional, designed to rebuild ecosystems holistically. Each tree planted is chosen to support local wildlife and contribute to the rich tapestry of Irish natural habitats.

Cutting-edge Reforestation: By employing the Miyawaki method, we're not just planting trees — we're creating dense, vibrant forests that grow up to 10 times faster, absorb more CO2, and burst with life much sooner than traditional forests.

Global and Local Impact: With Reforest Nation, your support has a dual effect: revitalizing the green heart of Ireland and contributing to vital reforestation in Madagascar, where our efforts have an amplified effect on carbon absorption.

Personal Engagement and Real-Time Updates: We believe in bringing our supporters along for the journey. With access to annual photo updates and the opportunity to get your hands dirty at our planting events, you're connected to the very earth you're helping to heal.

When you choose Reforest Nation, you're not just planting a tree; you're seeding a legacy of environmental regeneration that you can watch grow year after year.

What types of trees will my support help to plant?

Your support helps plant a diverse array of native species, each carefully selected for its environmental benefits. Our range includes stalwart oaks, graceful birches, and fruitful wild cherries, amongst others. This variety is strategic, aiming to bolster local ecosystems with species that provide habitats for wildlife, enhance biodiversity, and balance carbon absorption rates for both immediate and long-term ecological benefits.

Where will these trees be planted?

Our saplings take root across fourteen Irish counties and extend to Madagascar's vital ecosystems. In Ireland, they grow under the stewardship of nature reserves, community projects, and dedicated landowners. Abroad, our partnership with local experts helps restore mangroves and habitats. Each tree, whether in Ireland or Madagascar, represents a united stand for global reforestation and biodiversity.

How do you safeguard these growing forests?

We ensure the longevity of our forests by only collaborating with land stewards who guarantee their perpetual care and by implementing protective measures against natural predators. Our partner, Eden Reforestation Projects, works hand-in-hand with local communities abroad to foster a sense of ownership and protective stewardship over the forests, ensuring that the trees we plant together continue to thrive for generations.

Can I volunteer with you planting?

Yes, and we welcome it! We invite you to step out into the fresh air, to join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to reforestation. Our volunteer opportunities are announced on our website and newsletter, offering a hands-on experience that not only plants trees but also seeds a deeper connection with our mission and with Mother Nature herself.

What is the carbon impact of a tree fund?

The carbon impact of a single tree is profound, and we base our figures on the most current peer-reviewed research. An average tree in our care is estimated to sequester about 0.25 tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime. While this number is a conservative baseline, it represents a significant contribution to combatting climate change—one tree at a time.

Can I choose where my trees are planted?

To maximize the efficiency and impact of our reforestation efforts, trees funded through your generous support are allocated across all our planting sites. This approach avoids logistical complexities and ensures a fair and equitable distribution of greenery across our planting regions, embodying our principle of unity and collective impact.

Why reforest Ireland?

Reforesting Ireland goes beyond mere planting; it's about breathing new life into our landscapes, restoring the lush greenery that was once a hallmark of our heritage. We are on a mission to bring back the verdant forests that our ancestors knew, ensuring that Ireland's ecological wealth is replenished. This is vital not only for combating climate change by absorbing carbon but also for reestablishing the natural habitats that support biodiversity and sustain our water resources.

What has led to the decline of Ireland’s native forests?

Once, our emerald isle was cloaked in rich forests, but the relentless march of progress — agriculture expansion, industrialization, and urban development — has whittled these woodlands down to a shadow of their former glory. Demand for timber for construction and shipbuilding, along with inadequate conservation measures, has resulted in a drastic reduction of our native trees, fundamentally altering our ecosystem and the cultural essence of our land.

How is Reforest Nation addressing Irelands biodiversity loss?

At Reforest Nation, we're spearheading a revival, not just planting trees, but nurturing ecosystems back to their original diversity. We plant the widest variety of native species of any organization in Ireland, aiming to rebuild the rich tapestry of life that once thrived in our ancient woodlands. Our approach ensures each tree contributes to a broader ecological network, restoring a harmonious balance to our environment.

What is the Miyawaki Method, and why is it revolutionary?

The Miyawaki Method, brought to Ireland by our initiative, is a game-changer. It's a way to grow dense, biodiverse forests up to 10 times faster than conventional methods. It's a promise of lush, mature woodlands in just a decade, brimming with life, that absorb significantly more carbon dioxide. This method is planting hope, with a staggering 93% survival rate for saplings, ensuring that our efforts translate into thriving ecosystems swiftly and efficiently.

Why was Madagascar chosen for reforestation over other areas with deforestation issues?

Madagascar is an irreplaceable jewel in our planet's ecological crown, hosting a symphony of life that is largely unparalleled anywhere else on Earth. This island is not simply experiencing deforestation; it's facing the erosion of a singular biodiversity that has no duplicate globally. With 90% of its wildlife found nowhere else, preserving Madagascar's ecosystems is not only a matter of environmental responsibility but also of conserving a living library of unique species that have evolved in isolation over millions of years. Reforesting Madagascar isn't just a project; it's a pledge to maintain the fabric of life itself.

What makes Madagascar’s biodiversity so critical to protect?

The protection of Madagascar's biodiversity is critical due to its unique evolutionary history. Isolated for over 88 million years, the island's flora and fauna have followed their own distinct path of evolution, creating a tapestry of life that contributes significantly to the richness of the world's biodiversity. The forests of Madagascar are not merely homes to its creatures; they are the cradles of evolutionary uniqueness. Every species that is lost is not just a number, but a chapter of nature's creativity extinguished forever.

How are communities being affected by deforestation in Madagascar?

The fabric of local communities in Madagascar is intimately woven with the forests that surround them. Deforestation severs this connection, stripping away not only the land's fertility and stability but also the cultural and economic well-being of its people. Forests are the cornerstone of livelihood for many, providing food, medicine, and materials. When they vanish, communities face not just environmental degradation but a profound economic and cultural loss as well.

What role do mangrove forests play in climate regulation?

Mangrove forests, with their dense root systems, act as Earth's stalwart defenders against climate change. These unique ecosystems are superb carbon sinks, sequestering carbon at astonishing rates, and thus playing an outsized role in moderating global temperatures. Protecting and expanding Madagascar's mangroves is not just a local issue; it is a global imperative in the fight against climate change.

Who are your partners on the ground in Madagascar?

Our reforestation efforts in Madagascar are championed by partnerships with organisations like Eden Reforestation Projects, which aligns reforestation with social advancement. These partners work on the ground, employing local communities to plant trees, which in turn provides income, empowerment, and environmental education. This collaborative model ensures that the benefits of reforestation extend beyond environmental restoration, fostering economic resilience and social cohesion within local communities.

How is the reforestation in Madagascar impacting locals?

The reforestation projects in Madagascar are transforming lives by providing employment, education, and a restored environment. Individuals like Vavy, once struggling to make ends meet, are now empowered as agents of change, not only earning a sustainable income but also participating in the healing of their environment. This positive impact ripples through families and communities, offering a future where people and nature flourish together.

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