We invite you to be part of something truly special – the creation of the Freedom Forest, nestled under the stunning Sugar Loaf Mountain in Greystones, Co. Wicklow. Together, we’ll plant thousands of trees to grow a vibrant forest, bringing new life to the land while honouring those affected by conflict
The Freedom Forest is dedicated to the people of Gaza and Ukraine, standing as a symbol of resilience, hope, and freedom for those facing unimaginable challenges. With your help, we’ll expand what is already Europe’s largest Miyawaki-inspired forest, creating a thriving ecosystem that will make a lasting impact.
What is the Miyawaki Method?
The Miyawaki method is an innovative reforestation technique that mimics how forests grow in nature. By planting native trees close together, they compete for light and nutrients, growing up to 10x times faster than standard plantations. In just a decade, the Freedom Forest will flourish into a dense, self-sustaining woodland.
What To Bring:
A shovel or spade
Warm clothes
Bright colour clothing (we’ll be taking lots of photos to capture the day!)
A tenacious tree planting spirit!
Location and Parking:
Hawthorn hill (A63 H364), Ballydonagh Lane, Delgany, Greystones, Co. Wicklow.
We advise parking at Kindlestown Wood and proceeding the 3 minute walk on foot up Ballydonagh Lane. After passing the third house, look for a wooden entrance on your left, marked by a yellow sign saying ‘TREE PLANTING,’ then follow the yellow arrows that will guide you directly to the planting site. In the event that Kindlestown Wood's parking is at capacity, additional parking may be available at Hawthorn Hill property (A63 H364) and further up the laneway. For the most pleasant driving experience, we recommend approaching Ballydonagh Lane from its eastern end, near Greystones, as the lane's western portion is more rugged.
Parking spots highlighted in red.